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Sleeping Chi Kung - Double CD
The Chi Nei Tsang Institute's 5 Level Complete Sleeping Method for sleeping better and better, deeper and deeper. Improve sharpness of mind and memory, regain youthfulness of body and mind, help yourself to overcome depression and insomnia. These exercises were used a long time ago in Taoist monasteries in the mountain ranges of ancient China to bring monks, ascetics and hermits to higher realms of meditation through the exploration of their dreams. This program also introduces how to use Chi Nei Tsang to trigger and heal in dreamtime.

When practiced diligently these exercises have been proven extremely efficient in reversing insomnia and bringing people to a healthy rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

Sleeping Chi Kung - Double CD

  • Sleeping Chi Kung by Gilles Marin, Founder and Director of the Chi Nei Tsang Institute and School of Taoist Healing Energetics.

    This recording is the Chi Nei Tsang Institute's 5 Level Complete Sleeping Method for sleeping better and better, deeper and deeper. Improve sharpness of mind and memory, regain youthfulness of body and mind, help yourself to overcome depression and insomnia.

    The exercises in this recording follow a progression based on visualization, meditation, and deep energy management (also called Chi-Kung) and are designed to train individuals to sleep better and better, deeper and deeper.

    These exercises were used a long time ago in Taoist monasteries in the mountain ranges of ancient China to bring monks, ascetics and hermits to higher realms of meditation through the exploration of their dreams. These exercises constitute the preparatory practice for one of our trainings: The Chi Nei Tsang Dream Chi-Kung Workshop where individuals are guided in learning and healing from their dreams.

    When practiced diligently these exercises have been proven extremely efficient in reversing insomnia and bringing people to a healthy rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

    If you use this recording because you have sleeping problems, we recommend that you use these exercises as you would a prescription. Practice each exercise every day for at least a whole week to ten days before proceeding to the next one. Then use the exercises that work the best for your type of sleeping problem and combine them or alternate them for best results. If you don't succeed right away don't despair; keep practicing and positive results will come soon. The more and longer you practice, the better the results. Once your body becomes accustomed to this practice, you will be able to sleep on command and without struggle.

    The exercises in this recording address the types of insomnia most people experience:

    • Melatonin/Seratonin imbalance, typically caused by spending too much time indoors
    • Poor breathing
    • Nerve exhaustion
    • Emotional distress

      Most sleeping problems are stress related. Stress is part of everyday life; we can't avoid it at all times. Stress management is of course a step toward a solution, but how can we reduce stress if we’re not able to sleep?  It’s impossible!  Some people can't fall asleep; others fall asleep but keep waking up, while others wake up at specific times during the night. Another sleep problem occurs when people can't stop thinking even though they are asleep. They wake up thinking, making them feel they haven't slept at all and indeed parts of themselves never did!

      This complete Chi Nei Tsang method of sleeping is designed to induce sleep in anyone no matter how high the stress level is and no matter what kind of sleeping problem is experienced.

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