Join us as a supporting Chi Member!
Recurring Monthly Donation to Chi Nei Tsang Institute/TaoTouch
No-fuss automatic transactions - easy initial setup and that's it!
Membership includes, while you remain a Chi Member:
• Auto registration to all future online classes
• Access to previous class recordings until they expire. Currently there are 7 up!
• Video and audio clips from in-person trainings and retreats, just for you
• New and previous writings by Gilles when available
• Email support
• and more!
$75 or more donation level gives you free audio recordings and unlimited direct email correspondence with Gilles!

Donations go to teacher and administration costs as well as partial scholarships.
Membership is sliding scale to make it accessible.
Choose from the preset amounts or enter any amount that suits you ($15 min).
You can modify, pause or cancel at any time.
If you are thinking of signing up as a member for just one online class and plan to cancel soon after, instead please contact us for extra sliding scale pricing instead of signing up as a member. This is easier on our administrative workload. Don't be shy! Contact us.
Recurring Monthly Donation to Chi Nei Tsang Institute/TaoTouch
No-fuss automatic transactions - easy initial setup and that's it!
Membership includes access to all online classes, new and previous writings by Gilles, audio/video clips from in-person trainings, email support and more!
$75+ donation level gives you free audio recordings of the Healing From Within guided meditation series, and unlimited email consultations with Gilles.