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TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang Training Retreat in Crete, Greece


Crete Retreat 2025


FULL PROGRAM of TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang

June 19-23, 2025

TaoTouch Extraordinary Chi Kung

June 26-30, 2025

Fundamentals of TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang

July 3-7, 2025

Global Body Attitude TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang

July 10-14, 2025
Advanced TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang

with Gilles Marin

at Orizon Center for Life & Creation

We are delighted and excited for the Crete Retreat in Summer 2025!


Join us for a transformative immersion into Classical Taoist practices, Chi Kung internal alchemy, and hands-on TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang. The setting of Orizon Center for Life & Creation, on the amazing, powerful island of Crete, Greece, is the perfect place to dive into these practices and into one's self, while extending your chi to help others heal from within. Taught by the master practitioner and instructor Gilles Marin.

The Crete Retreat is not simply a training retreat. It is equally, if not moreso, a personal experience where the conditions and practices set the environment for an inner healing journey. The retreat begins with 5 days of TaoTouch Extraordinary Chi Kung, an introduction to classical Taoist health and healing philosophy and functional practices coming from a martial arts approach of winning without fighting.


The order of classes allows students to start building a foundation of knowledge, understanding, and observation of your own level of Chi so you can begin to welcome, experience, and utilize Universal Forces safely and with compassion for yourselves and the people who you work with, whether fellow students or future clients.


The training includes all hands-on TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang techniques and Chi Kung practices including Healing Buddha Palms, Space and Boundaries Chi Kung, Lessons from Aikido Martial Arts Approach, Fusion Meditation, and Sleeping and Dreaming Chi Kung, along with the systematic inclusion of the use of the Biology of Consciousness.

There will be two-day breaks in between modules to allow for assimilation... and to enjoy the amazing island!

4 Courses:

Come for the whole month for a immersive, transformative experience.
Or join for just a portion, still great!


June 17-18: Arrivals

June 19-23: TaoTouch Extraordinary Chi Kung
2 Day Break

June 26-30: Fundamentals of Chi Nei Tsang

2 Day Break
July 3-7: Global Body CNT

2 Day Break

July 10-14: Advanced CNT

July 15: Departure

Arrival/departure listed is for the whole retreat. You are welcome to join for just a portion thereof.

If you'd like to arrive earlier to acclimate, let us know and we'll help arrange lodging with the retreat center.


All classes count towards CNTI practitioner certification.

45 CEUs for NCBTMB are available each for Fundamentals, Global Body and Advanced CNT.

Ingrid, Petros and Maria of Orizon/Akrimos understand the necessity for peace and comfort for our deep work. The food is wonderful, the vibe is healing, the views are breathtaking, the experience is sublime.

Come join our growing international CNT community!

Contact us for more info, questions, or to simply say you are interested.

Join the Facebook group to stay updated!

The Crete Retreat will fill up quick so register asap!

Student Video Testimonials from Crete Retreat 2023

What to Expect in Week #1:

TaoTouch Extraordinary Chi Kung

What to Expect in Week #4:

Advanced TaoTouch Chi Nei Tsang

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"What an amazing group! I enjoyed the community, the location of the center (by the beach and walking distance to town), the availability of cars/drivers seemed to always work out, the day trips on days off were very rich and memorable- what a dream to enjoy a slower pace of life! I was also very grateful for the afternoon siestas to rest my body and brain. It was much needed. The teachings were excellent- very clear. The Akrimios restaurant - 5 stars out of 5. So great!


Thank you guys for such a wonderful, educational, life-changing trip!"

- L.F., Crete Retreat 2023 & 2024

"The training was beyond my wildest expectations. Gilles Marin is a true master. To spend a month with him on a sea cliff over the Mediterranean was life changing.

He’s a senior student of Mantak Chia, was already studying with him when I was a wee child. I tried for years but couldn’t quite connect with Chia’s writing. It can be a bit technical and overly intellectual for me. I LOVE Grandmaster Chia, but Gilles has a way of bringing the emotional body into the material that speaks directly to my soul.

Days were long and intensive… daily Chi Nei Tsang for a month felt a little like a never ending Aya ceremony!! As beautiful as that water was, and only a 10 minute walk from my room, on our daily 3 hour siesta break I could do little more than lie in my bed, in a deep state of processing and integrating.

My comprehension of the body, inside and out, advanced at an astonishing rate. One day I hopped on the teaching table and within 4 minutes of feeling around my body, Gilles spoke aloud things that nobody besides myself and dearest friends know about me. I was stunned. He was teaching us “body mapping” but how the f…..
Beyond inspiring.

A wonderful surprise was the daily teachings of dream translation. The subject has always fascinated me and I’ve studied many teachings, but it was Gilles that brought that “aha” moment. Now I can’t imagine my life without these tools. A key part of emotional digestion.

Internal Alchemy took on a whole new profundity as I deepened my learning about the 5 Elements. Gilles taught us the Taoist “Fusion Meditation” and for me, it was beyond psychedelics. I’ve been looking for this my entire life.

I could go on and on. As someone who’s always struggled with ADHD symptoms, it was astonishing that my attention never strayed from Gilles’ teachings for one moment. It felt like LIFE rushing in to shine light on the deepest, darkest regions of my innermost being.




- Louise, Crete Retreat 2023 & 2024

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