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Online Classes with Gilles Marin

The Biology of Consciousness: One Mind, Five Intelligences

Online Class Series with Gilles Marin


Instructor: Gilles Marin

Class originally occured Nov 4 - Dec 16, 2022

Classical Chinese Medicine, Taoist Philosophy, Health and Healing

In this live online course, Gilles Marin deeply explores the 5 Intelligences- the elemental forces of nature that govern existence, including inside ourselves. This is fundamental in preparing us to really integrate the Fusion Meditation practice (scheduled for May/June 2023). This information bridges the gap between esoteric practices with the physiological. The physiological part of meditation makes it more functional in our everyday lives.


These practices are oriented toward acquiring extraordinary powers in order to get extraordinary results in healing self and others. The approach helps transform internal conflicts into self support.


In this online course, Gilles discusses a selection of the following:

  • Taoism, the perennial philosophy

  • Familiarizing ourselves with the 5 Intelligences within

  • Positive and negative aspects of each Intelligence

  • Internal alchemy

  • The 2 axes of our Mind: Soul & Spirit

  • Complete-self decision making

  • Changing chemistry: adrenaline and serotonin

  • Pathological manifestations of undigested emotional charges

  • Dealing with trauma

  • Working out ancestral issues

  • The spiritual phase of healing

  • Working with dreamtime

  • Student Q&A

  • And much more!

This class is preview of Gilles' new book in progress: Self, Soul and Spirit: The Tao of Consciousness - One Mind, Five Intelligences. A unified field theory of consciousness and cognition. Coming soon!

This course counts towards TaoTouch® Chi Nei Tsang practitioner certification.

Donate below or by VENMO here.

Please note "Biology of Consciousness" and email us your email address if we don't have it


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Monthly Members are auto enrolled - no need to re-register :)


Your donation gives you 6 recorded online classes, detailed notes, and email support.
Recordings are available through December 31st, 2025.


"I feel that the Biology of Consciousness has changed my life and is certainly the answer to my prayers... It felt like being transported to a space of very deep and ancient knowing, and I learned or was reminded of the deeper language of my being – the ways my various intelligences (and not just my rational mind!) communicates.  I learned about so many new parts of my being that had been running the show, but I had no conscious awareness of, and I gained a deep, deep respect for the purpose each played in my life and my family line.  It was like being reminded of a secret that all of me already knew, but my mind was the last to catch up on. 


By the final day, I felt a greater peace come through me than I have ever known.  What I love about this class and Gilles’ teaching is that it is timeless, strikes a profound chord of resonance in my body, and that unlike all the previous teachings I received before this one, which gave me some good advice but never actually showed me how to implement it – this training seamlessly provided both the wisdom AND the ability to access it, right here and now.


I could not be more grateful, and I do believe these to be among the most profound days of my life. If you are drawn to this course, it must mean you are ready for it and the chance to experience a profoundly deep level of healing – and remembering."

- Yaeli M.

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